Antoine Castex

Group Data Architect L'Oreal

A tech driven human who love serverless and scalable solutions ! Divorced with OnPremise long time ago, managing all the Data & AI Topics for the world wide L'Oréal Group. Still excited to share and discuss about Cloud and many others topics around technology

Main Day 2 - Wednesday 15th January 2025

4:15 PM PANEL: Enabling AI-Ready Data Platforms and Build Valuable AI Products

  • The critical role of high-quality, actionable data in powering AI and generative AI (GenAI) initiatives.
  • Strategies for safeguarding data as a key enterprise asset, ensuring its integrity, privacy, and security while maximizing value from AI-driven insights.
  • Ensuring data is findable, accessible, trustworthy, interoperable, and reusable to enhance AI outcomes.
  • Implementing and enforcing robust data governance policies through advanced data platforms.
  • Exploring the future of business models shaped by the integration of AI into products and services.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Antoine.

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