Vino Kingston is a recognized Data, Digital & Decision Intelligence leader with 29 years working in Fortune 10 companies leading and managing decision intelligence and automation practices. His background in Instrumentation & Control Engineering provided him early on exposure to Industrial Internet in the form of Process Control & Automation. Working in real time systems and enabling decision making for plant operations made Vino passionate about workflow automation in business operations. He is well versed with data and its criticality for business success. He has established business success-oriented data strategy to bring data, business processes, applications together and implemented the strategy using lean and agile processes, best fit technologies, high performing teams to provide data integration, data management, data governance, self service analytics, data science capabilities. Vino led large teams in major data analytics transformation projects that delivered hundreds of millions USD in value by improving decision making capabilities in tactical and strategic business scenarios. To summarize Vino’s 25+ years of career in one simple phrase, it is, "Distributed Control Systems to Distributed Computing Systems". Started in continuous process industry doing industrial automation with SCADA, PLC, DCS systems enabling real time decision making for plant operators. It was an IoT environment for industries. In the new world of IoT & Big Data Analytics, I enable decision makers to operate large businesses using distributed computing & analytics to get to real time decision making.
DI is focused on helping decision-makers understand the trade-offs and uncertainties involved in complex decisions and identifying the most effective course of action.
DI takes a holistic approach to decision-making, considering both quantitative and qualitative factors, as well as the context in which decisions are made. This session with Vino Kingston, Data Platforms & Technologies Sr. Manager, Lockheed Martin will discuss: