Pioneer and melting pot: As early as the mid-2000s companies from the AI-sector increasingly located their business in Berlin-Brandenburg. Among the 458 companies from the AI-field in Germany a total of 28% are based in Berlin-Brandenburg (2018). Considering the distribution of AI-start-ups, a 2021 study by AppliedAI has revealed that over 40 percent of these innovators are located in the German capital. According to a study by the Technologiestiftung Berlin a total of 50-65 professors of different fields of application are carrying out research at numerous research facilities, colleges and universities. Given the multitude of initiatives and development plans at state level, Berlin is a hub for research institutions, universities and start-ups and further advances the development of advanced technologies. Many ideas are already launched from university and research projects and further developed. Labs, hubs and accelerator programs of established companies offer young founders their know-how, network and a platform for proto-typing. In return these companies receive input about new technologies and developments. In the study „Künstliche Intelligenz in Berlin und Brandenburg“ (Artificial Intelligence in Berlin and Brandenburg) of the Technologie Stiftung the multitude of developments, companies and start-ups as well as fields of application have been outlined for the first time. Read more: