Generative AI Week 2024 Day Two: Tuesday, 8 October

7:30 am - 8:15 am Registration & Breakfast

8:15 am - 8:30 am Chair's Opening Remarks

8:30 am - 9:00 am Morning Keynote Presentation: Our AI-Accelerated Future

Cassie Kozyrkov - CEO, Data Scientific & Google's first Chief Decision Scientist, Data Scientific

What lurks just beyond the buzz and hype of generative AI? A new landscape of threats and opportunities that will transform our experiences, our businesses, and society as a whole. While most perspectives on AI are mired in a long history of science fiction, in this keynote we’ll cut through the noise to take a brutally honest look at what generative AI means not only for your bottom line but also for our collective future.


Cassie Kozyrkov

CEO, Data Scientific & Google's first Chief Decision Scientist
Data Scientific

9:00 am - 9:30 am Morning Plenary Presentation: Beyond the Hype: Elevating Your Generative AI Strategy for Real Business Impact

Kevin Chung - Chief Strategy Officer, Writer

With the initial hype around Generative AI fading, many businesses are struggling to realize its full potential. In this session, Kevin, Writer's Chief Strategy Officer will uncover the strategies successful organizations have used to generate significant ROI and explore what's coming next. Learn how to move beyond experimentation and position your company for future AI advancements, including AGI.

  • Discover why Generative AI is failing in many businesses and how to avoid common pitfalls.
  • Learn the dominant design strategies that deliver ROI in AI-powered enterprises.
  • Prepare for AGI by aligning your current Generative AI efforts with future developments.


Kevin Chung

Chief Strategy Officer

9:30 am - 10:00 am Morning Plenary Panel: Leading the Way into Production: A Status Update from Enterprises Generative AI Pioneers

Maria Latushkin - Group Vice President, Technology & Engineering, Albertsons Companies
Sam Hamilton - Head of Data & AI, Visa
Sreedhar Sistu - Vice President, AI Offers, Schneider Electric

As generative AI matures, insights from enterprise pioneers are crucial for progress. This session provides a status update on how industry leaders are successfully implementing generative AI into production environments.

• Establishing cross-functional teams to ensure a seamless integration of generative AI.

• Prioritizing ongoing training programs to keep teams abreast of evolving generative AI.

• Encouraging collaboration to align innovation, safety & data management


Maria Latushkin

Group Vice President, Technology & Engineering
Albertsons Companies


Sam Hamilton

Head of Data & AI


Sreedhar Sistu

Vice President, AI Offers
Schneider Electric

10:00 am - 11:00 am Morning Coffee Break

Track A – Responsible AI

11:00 am - 11:30 am Technical Excellence: Ensuring Responsible AI for High-Value Use Cases
Arjun Ravi Kannan - Director, Data Science Research Decisions and Analytics, Discover Financial Services

Delve into crucial techniques for maintaining ethical standards in high-value Generative AI applications. This panel explores the importance of responsible AI deployment and offers actionable strategies for mitigating bias and ensuring transparency.

• Prioritizing explainability and transparency to understand and communicate AI decisions effectively.

• Implementing measures to measure and mitigate bias, ensuring fairness and compliance with regulatory standards.

• Fostering a culture of responsibility and accountability throughout the AI development and deployment process.


Arjun Ravi Kannan

Director, Data Science Research Decisions and Analytics
Discover Financial Services

Track A – Responsible AI

11:35 am - 12:05 pm Presentation: Responsible AI Institute
Sabrina Shih - AI Policy Integration Lead, Responsible AI Institute


Sabrina Shih

AI Policy Integration Lead
Responsible AI Institute

In an era of powerful generative AI, ensuring responsible practices is paramount. Join our expert panel to delve into the significance of ethical AI, offering actionable insights for businesses, exploring:

• Ensuring transparent AI decision-making processes, mitigating biases, and promoting fairness and accountability.

• Implementing robust data governance practices to safeguard user privacy and maintain ethical AI operations.

• Fostering interdisciplinary collaboration to incorporate diverse perspectives, aligning AI development with societal values and norms.


Dian Trabulsy

Founder & CEO
Grace May LLC


Arjun Ravi Kannan

Director, Data Science Research Decisions and Analytics
Discover Financial Services


Rajiv Avacharmal

Corporate Vice President, Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (CDSAi)
New York Life Insurance Company

Track B – Data Management

11:00 am - 11:30 am Advancing Generative AI Through a Robust Data Infrastructure & Strategy
Ash Dhupar - Chief Data & Analytics Officer, Analog Devices

Delve into the critical aspects of building a strong data-first foundation to deliver an impactful AI strategy for tangible business impact, covering:

• Establishing clear guardrails for your data usage – legal, employee, customer, ethical consideration.

• Tracking and managing experimentationto drive informed decision-making in the dynamic landscape of generative AI.

• Evolving data platforms, incorporating best practices and lessons to create a centrally managed, scalable infrastructure.

• Strategies for data loss prevention to protect your AI experiments and garner buy-in from security teams.


Ash Dhupar

Chief Data & Analytics Officer
Analog Devices

Track B – Data Management

11:35 am - 12:05 pm Driving Generative AI Efficacy
Zachary Hanif - Head of AI, Machine Learning and Software Development Platforms, Capital One

Generative AI is a revolution in an already fastpaced field. As organizations large and small race to develop out internal strengths, they are finding that effective strategy is crucial for unleashing the potential of Generative AI and realizing impactful value. Particular attention will be paid to the new challenges that GenAI is making tractable such as developments in AI for Code.

This session will explore:

• Investing in metrics and observability to structure GenAI experiments and production capabilities and ensure ongoing success

• Identifying, exploring, and measuring internal use cases and moving into real, cost-effective, large scale use

• Operationalizing infrastructure,internal strength, and knowledge with rigor to drive optimal model capabilities

• Dealing with new challenges that come from new capabilities and opportunity spaces, and building a larger ecosystem around the model


Zachary Hanif

Head of AI, Machine Learning and Software Development Platforms
Capital One

Track B – Data Management

12:10 pm - 12:40 pm Panel Discussion: Unleashing Innovation: Breaking Data Constraints in Generative AI
Stavros Zervoudakis - Head of AI, Data Science, Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics, Mutual of America Financial Group

Overcoming data management & infrastructure limitations is crucial for unlocking the full potential of generative AI. This panel delves into innovative strategies for mitigating data challenges to enhance generative AI outcomes.

• Implementing synthetic data generation techniques to supplement limited datasets.

• Exploring transfer learning methods to leverage pre-trained models for new tasks.

• Enabling the successful development and deployment of Generative AI solutions.


Stavros Zervoudakis

Head of AI, Data Science, Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics
Mutual of America Financial Group

Track C – Innovation (Sponsored by ContractPodAi)

11:00 am - 11:30 am Talk Details to be Announced
Atena Reyhani - Chief Product Officer, ContractPodAi

Slot Reserved for ContractPodAI


Atena Reyhani

Chief Product Officer

These panelists have been getting stuck into & driving into production many different use cases within the world of real estate. Explore the transformative impact of Generative AI with real world case studies & their findings through:

• Enhancing customer experience with immersive content, robots & generative AI-driven shopping malls.

• Improving operational efficiency, customer insights & documentation.

• Uncovering exciting new uses within the sector & driving them into large-scale, valuable production.


Jesse Michael

Senior Vice President, Digital Solutions


Mindy Rohr

Senior Regional Director, National Marketing


Adam Schwegman

Executive Vice President
North American Properties

Track C – Innovation (Sponsored by ContractPodAi)

12:10 pm - 12:40 pm Panel Discussion: Mastering Use Case Selection for Optimal Generative AI Impact
Harsh Singh Narula - Director, Data Analytics & AI, Merck
Sudipto Ghose - Vice President, Equifax
Ankita Ragarwal - Global Director - Digital Transformation & Data / Analytics, Kimberly Clark

Explore the critical role of strategic use case selection in maximizing generative AI’s organizational impact.

• Defining clear business objectives to guide use case selection, aligning AI applications with organizational goals.

• Leveraging data-driven insights to prioritize use cases with high impact potential for generative AI.

• Establishing cross-functional teams to evaluate and validate selected use cases, ensuring broad organizational alignment.


Harsh Singh Narula

Director, Data Analytics & AI


Sudipto Ghose

Vice President


Ankita Ragarwal

Global Director - Digital Transformation & Data / Analytics
Kimberly Clark

Track D - Change Management

11:00 am - 11:30 am Leadership in Transition: Managing Change Amidst Generative AI Adoption
Sami Huovilainen - Managing Director - Head of Next Gen Analytics, Citi

Leading through generative AI adoption requires a unique set of skills. This session explores the critical role of leadership in navigating organizational change.

• Develop change-ready leaders through targeted training programs focused on generative AI.

• Foster transparent communication to align leadership vision with workforce expectations.

• Encourage agile leadership, adapting strategies in response to generative AI developments.


Sami Huovilainen

Managing Director - Head of Next Gen Analytics

Track D - Change Management

11:35 am - 12:05 pm GenAI Adoption & Change Management: For the Enterprise
Paul Cielinski - Sr. Director Product Management, Syneos Health

Best Practices for GenAI Adoption

• How to assess the readiness and maturity of your organization for GenAI

• How to design and implement a GenAI program and strategy

• How to align stakeholders and sponsors

• How to help the enterprise prioritize GenAI use cases

• How to evaluate solution providers and partners

• How to measure and communicate the value and impact of GenAI

Best Practices for GenAI Change Management

• How to manage the cultural and behavioral changes required for GenAI

• How to develop and empower champions, advocates and stakeholders

• How to train and upskill your workforce

• How to address the ethical and social implications of GenAI

• How to foster a culture of innovation and collaboration


Paul Cielinski

Sr. Director Product Management
Syneos Health

Track D - Change Management

12:10 pm - 12:40 pm Panel Discussion: Human-Centric Change: Leadership Strategies for Adapting to Generative AI Innovations
Jie Yu - Head of Digital and Data Science Product Management, Johnson & Johnson

Embracing generative AI demands a focus on human-centric change management strategies. This panel discusses the importance of balancing innovation with

leadership considerations.

• Fostering open dialogue to address workforce concerns and enhance adaptability.

• Prioritizing comprehensive training, rewards & recognition to empower employees in navigating generative AI transformations.

• Cultivating a culture of continuous learning, experimentation & innovation to sustain human-centric approaches and increase buy-in.


Jie Yu

Head of Digital and Data Science Product Management
Johnson & Johnson

12:40 pm - 2:10 pm Lunch

Track A – Risk Management

2:10 pm - 2:40 pm Managing AI Risk at Scale: Safeguarding Enterprise Production with Generative AI
Rajiv Avacharmal - Corporate Vice President, Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (CDSAi), New York Life Insurance Company

As generative AI models scale up into full production, the importance of AI risk management becomes paramount. This session explores strategies for ensuring model safety, fairness, and compliance as AI deployment expand across the enterprise.

Rajiv will delve into:

• Implementing responsible AI practices to mitigate biases and ensure fair business models.

• Evaluating models rigorously to identify and address gaps in policies and biases.

• Establishing proper controls and monitoring frameworks to manage AI risks effectively.


Rajiv Avacharmal

Corporate Vice President, Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (CDSAi)
New York Life Insurance Company

Track A – Risk Management

2:45 pm - 3:15 pm Leveraging Generative AI to Enhance Cyber Security at MasterCard
Gaurav Dhama - Director of Product Development - AI, Mastercard

In this session we will explore the transformative role of Generative AI in bolstering cyber security. The focus is on harnessing AI’s capabilities to fortify digital defenses, particularly in the fast-evolving financial sector.

• Application Security Testing: AI-driven dynamic code analysis improvements

• Penetration Testing: Enhanced AI simulations for system vulnerabilities

• Pre-emptive Fraud Prevention: AI algorithms predicting. fraudulent activities early.


Gaurav Dhama

Director of Product Development - AI

Track A – Risk Management

3:20 pm - 3:50 pm Panel Discussion: Mastering Risk and Cybersecurity in AI Landscapes
Arvin Bansal - Chief Information Security Officer, C&S Wholesale Grocers
Muhammad Anwar Ul Haq - Director, Avion Data, RBC

Delve into the paramount role of robust risk management and cybersecurity in securing generative AI ecosystems, exploring:

• Fortifying data protection protocols, ensuring end-to-end encryption and secure handling of generative AI outputs.

• Conducting regular penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities and proactively address potential cyber threats.

• Establishing comprehensive risk assessment frameworks, integrating AI-specific considerations for a resilient generative AI environment.


Arvin Bansal

Chief Information Security Officer
C&S Wholesale Grocers


Muhammad Anwar Ul Haq

Director, Avion Data

Track B – Data Quality (Sponsored by DataIku)

2:10 pm - 2:40 pm Driving Safety and Sustainability: Generative AI for Content and Digital Twin Generation
Deanna Shannon - Vice President Enterprise Architecture and Incubation, CAE

Generative AI offers exciting opportunities for automated content generation and digital twin creation. In this session, Deanna will explore some of the ways CAE are leveraging this technology for content generation (for driving training and safety), and digital twin generation (for global environmental impact assessments).

Attend to delve into:

• Harnessing Generative AI for creating training environments and autogenerated content.

• Collaborating with game engine providers to develop digital twins for environmental impact assessment.

• Exploring diverse applications of generative AI in forecasting, revenue analysis, and disaster modelling.

• Optimizing processes and people for continued innovation and best results.


Deanna Shannon

Vice President Enterprise Architecture and Incubation

Track B – Data Quality (Sponsored by DataIku)

2:45 pm - 3:15 pm Disrupting the Fundamentals: Unleashing Generative AI’s Power in System Transformation
Jyotirmay Gadewadikar - Chief Scientist for AI Integration and Systems Engineering, MITRE

In this session, Jyotirmay will explore Mitres journey, delving into the transformative potential of Generative AI in reshaping fundamental systems for real return on investment & value.

• Focusing on requirement and use case generation to align generative AI efforts with business objectives.

• Embracing robustness and reliability through rigorous testing and model validation processes.

• Addressing resistance and pushback with effective communication, education, and AI assurance measures.


Jyotirmay Gadewadikar

Chief Scientist for AI Integration and Systems Engineering

Track B – Data Quality (Sponsored by DataIku)

3:20 pm - 3:50 pm Panel Discussion: Mastering Data Democratization, Quality, Prominence, Access & Storage for Transformative Generative AI Applications
Tammye Garrett-Feeley - Chief Data Officer, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Robin Patra - Head of Data, ARCO Construction Company
Ishita Majumdar - Data and AI Tech Executive, eBay

Explore the pivotal role of data access in generative AI, addressing:

  • Enhancing accessibility to diverse datasets, a critical foundation for robust generative AI models.
  • Simplifying data access and democratizing insights for business users through innovative generative AI applications.
  • Establishing secure partnerships and leveraging cloud solutions for seamless and efficient data accessibility.
  • Developing internal capabilities and protocols to streamline data access, ensuring sustained generative AI success.

Tammye Garrett-Feeley

Chief Data Officer
UT Southwestern Medical Center


Robin Patra

Head of Data
ARCO Construction Company


Ishita Majumdar

Data and AI Tech Executive

Track C – Strategy

2:10 pm - 2:40 pm Strategic Innovation: Staying Ahead in the AI Agent Landscape
Devlin Mconnell - Senior Manager – Emerging Technology and Generative AI, Vanguard

In such a dynamic AI landscape, keeping up with the progress & ensuring for strategic implementation is paramount for success. Devlin is leading the Generative AI research within Vanguards applied research group, he will delve into AI Agents & how business leaders can explore:

• Forging partnerships with vendors, academia, and researchers for continuous learning.

• Investing in R&D to anticipate future AI capabilities.

• Understanding & innovating with latest in emerging AI agent technologies.


Devlin Mconnell

Senior Manager – Emerging Technology and Generative AI

Track C – Strategy

2:45 pm - 3:15 pm Empowering Tomorrow: A Framework for Harnessing the Power of Generative AI
Sajit Joseph - Chief Digital and Transformation Officer, Tides

Delve into the imperative of adopting a holistic approach to generative AI across enterprises, fostering innovation and operational excellence. This panel illuminates strategies for integrating generative AI into

organizational policies, processes, and skillsets, ensuring comprehensive adoption and maximizing its transformative potential.

  • Developing policies and risk frameworks to guide generative AI adoption and mitigate potential concerns.
  • Providing comprehensive training to equip employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to leverage generative AI effectively.
  • Fostering a culture of innovation by encouraging exploration of new use cases and custom models across departments.

Sajit Joseph

Chief Digital and Transformation Officer

Dive into the crucial process of curating a robust generative AI strategy for transformative business outcomes.

• Aligning generative AI strategy with overarching business goals for seamless integration and impactful outcomes.

• Collaborating across departments to gather diverse perspectives, ensuring a holistic and comprehensive generative AI strategy.

• Regularly reassessing and iterate the generative AI strategy to adapt to evolving business landscapes and technologies.


Sky Kelley

Global Co-GM, Digital Product Innovation


Priyanka Singhal

Assistant Vice President (AI Research), AI Centre of Excellence
U.S. Bank


Ankita Ragarwal

Global Director - Digital Transformation & Data / Analytics
Kimberly Clark

Track D - Conversational AI (Sponsored by Pypestream)

3:20 pm - 3:50 pm The Next Frontier in Automation: How Pypestream is Merging Conversational AI with Generative AI for Smarter Customer Solutions
Richard Smullen - CEO, Pypestream

In this talk, our CEO and Founder, Richard Smullen, will discuss how Pypestream is pioneering this next frontier in automation by merging the best of both AI technologies to deliver smarter, more adaptive customer solutions.

We'll explore how Conversational AI powers personalized, real-time engagement, while Generative AI enables dynamic content creation and decision-making at scale at large, global enterprises. Learn how Pypestream's innovative approach helps businesses drive efficiency, elevate customer experiences, and future-proof their operations through automation that’s not only reactive but proactive. 


Richard Smullen


Track D - Conversational AI (Sponsored by Pypestream)

2:10 pm - 2:40 pm Revolutionizing Conversational AI: Insights from Intuit’s Journey
Tina O'Shea - Director, Content Design & Design Tech, Intuit

Join us to uncover Intuit’s transformative journey in shifting from scripted to generated conversational flows. This evolution highlights the critical role of adapting skills and fostering collaboration between content

and data science teams. Learn actionable steps for enhancing generative AI efforts:

• Fostering collaboration between content designers and data scientists to leverage the power of AI.

• Training content designers to transition from front-end roles to back-end roles for AI-driven conversations.

• Embracing the synergy between content creation and data science to unlock new conversational possibilities


Tina O'Shea

Director, Content Design & Design Tech

Track D - Conversational AI (Sponsored by Pypestream)

2:45 pm - 3:15 pm Use of Gen-AI beyond Chatbot & Query Engines
Nalin Aggarwal - Corporate Vice President, Data Science, New York Life Insurance Company


Nalin Aggarwal

Corporate Vice President, Data Science
New York Life Insurance Company

3:50 pm - 4:20 pm Afternoon Coffee Break

4:20 pm - 4:50 pm Afternoon Plenary Presentation:The Future of Enterprise AI Transformation: From Prototype to Production

Henry Ehrenberg - Co-founder and Head of Engineering, Snorkel AI

Enterprises are at a critical juncture in adopting Generative AI. Leveraging complex data and transitioning AI prototypes to scalable, long-term solutions are paramount challenges. Business leaders must demonstrate that they are leveraging AI to deliver better results faster, and that requires a basic understanding of how your enterprise data can be used to train and tune LLMs for unique advantage.

  • Attend this keynote, led by Henry Ehrenberg, co-founder of Snorkel AI, to understand the current and future state of enterprise AI adoption, and ensure you are on the right side of this transformation. In this session we will delve into:
  • The future of programmatic, vs manual AI data development
  • The future of LLMs as enterprises move away from hyper large models, to purpose built micro models for higher efficiency & precision in addressing business needs.
  • What enterprises need to do to equip their LOB and data science teams for success

Henry Ehrenberg

Co-founder and Head of Engineering
Snorkel AI

4:50 pm - 5:20 pm Herbalife’s Trailblazing Journey into Generative AI

Monica Kedzierski - Vice President of Global Data, Analytics & AI, Herbalife

Explore how Herbalife became a pioneer in adopting Generative AI, through navigating challenges, optimizing enablement & setting a transformative example.

In this talk, Monica will explore:

• Strategic approach: Structuring intentional cohorts

• Collaborating with cross-functional teams to ensure responsible implementation of AI, evolve the policies, and scale

• Overcoming challenges: cultivate a data-driven culture, educate on best practices, and prioritize quality enablement.


Monica Kedzierski

Vice President of Global Data, Analytics & AI

5:20 pm - 5:50 pm Afternoon Plenary Presentation: Adapting to the Future of the Creative Industries with Generative AI

Bridget Esposito - Head of Creative, Brand & Advertising, Prudential

Generative AI is reshaping the creative landscape, demanding that businesses adapt to stay competitive and innovative.

• Exploring the transformative potential of Generative AI in content creation, customization, and audience engagement.

• Embracing AI-driven creativity, foster cross-disciplinary collaboration, and invest in AI training and talent development.

• Strategically integrating Generative AI tools into creative workflows to enhance efficiency and unlock new creative possibilities.


Bridget Esposito

Head of Creative, Brand & Advertising

5:50 pm - 6:00 pm Chairs Closing Remarks & End of Conference Day 2

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Networking Drinks