Generative AI Week 2024 Day One: Workshop Morning: Monday, 7 October 2024

Generative AI Week 2024 Workshop Morning


8:00 am - 9:00 am Registration & Breakfast


9:00 am - 10:30 am Workshop A: Deep Dive into Prompt Engineering
Sander Schulhoff - CEO, Learn Prompting

Join us for an engaging workshop where we delve into state-of-the-art (SOTA) prompt engineering techniques as featured in "The Prompt Report," a comprehensive 76-page survey paper Sander has done in collaboration with OpenAI and Microsoft.

Additionally, we will explore the security implications of prompt injection discovered during our groundbreaking global competition, HackAPrompt.

Attend this workshop to:

  • Gain insights into cutting-edge prompt engineering techniques and their practical applications.
  • Understand how these techniques can be tailored to enhance AI model performance across various domains.
  • Discuss real-world implications and applications of prompt engineering in different industries.
  • Learn best practices for integrating prompt engineering into your AI development workflow.

By participating in this workshop, you will gain a deep understanding of the latest advancements in prompt engineering and how to effectively apply them to drive innovation and performance in AI applications.


Sander Schulhoff

Learn Prompting


10:30 am - 11:00 am Refreshment Break


11:00 am - 12:30 pm Workshop B: Supercharge your Marketing with AI
Abbas Arslan - Founder, AI CMO

Understanding key use cases to improve quality of marketing outcomes while reducing time and cost can be a critical competitive advantage. Business leaders who would know how to integrate AI end-to-end in their processes would become more valuable to their organizations. 

Attend this workshop to delve into:

• How to effectively use AI tools for research, analysis and strategy.

• How to work in the best way for idea generation through human-AI collaboration.

• Deliver more successful innovations and communication by integrating AI across the development process.

By the end of this workshop, attendees will possess the expertise to design and leverage generative effectively, unlocking the full potential of their marketing for superior results.


Abbas Arslan



12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch


1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Workshop C: Identifying, Validating and Implementing Use Cases for Generative AI Within Your Business
David Borish - Creative Technologist and AI Strategist, NYU's Endless Labs

This interactive workshop will educate and inspire attendees to learn how to identify, validate, and implement use cases for generative AI within the enterprise. Discover practically how to leverage the power of generative AI to smartly, selectively and plausibly drive growth and innovation in your organization.

Attend this workshop to:

• Learn how to identify opportunities for leveraging generative AI in your business.

• Develop strategies for validating the potential value of use cases for generative AI.

• Explore practical examples of successful cross-industry use cases.

• Gain insights into best practices for implementing generative AI use cases in your organization, including data privacy and company ownership concerns.

• Discuss measuring the success of generative AI applications and refining your strategies over time.

By attending this workshop, you will leave with a clear understanding of how to identify and validate use cases for generative AI within your business, as well as practical strategies for implementing these use cases to drive growth and innovation.


David Borish

Creative Technologist and AI Strategist
NYU's Endless Labs


8:00 am - 9:00 am Registration & Breakfast


9:00 am - 10:30 am Workshop D: Harnessing Ethical AI in Business: Strategies for Transparency and Fairness
Dian Trabulsy - Founder & CEO, Grace May LLC

This workshop aims to equip participants with practical strategies to implement ethical AI solutions in their organizations, ensuring their AI systems are transparent, fair, and accountable.


9:00 AM - 9:15 AM: Introduction

• Welcome and introductions

• Overview of the workshop goals

9:15 AM - 9:45 AM: Key Concepts in Ethical AI

• Understanding ethical AI: Definitions and importance

• Exploring the principles of transparency, fairness, and accountability in AI

9:45 AM - 10:15 AM: Case Studies and Best Practices

• Analyzing real-world examples of ethical AI applications

• Discussing strategies implemented by leading companies

10:15 AM - 10:30 AM: Interactive Discussion and Q&A

• Open floor for questions

• Group discussion on challenges and opportunities in implementing ethical AI

Materials Provided:

• Workshop handouts

• Access to a digital resource list for further reading and tools

Expected Outcome: Participants will leave with a clear understanding of how to approach ethical AI implementation, equipped with actionable insights and strategies that can be directly applied within their organizations.


Dian Trabulsy

Founder & CEO
Grace May LLC


10:30 am - 11:00 am Refreshment Break


11:00 am - 12:30 pm Workshop E: Ensuring Responsible AI: Embedding Safety by Design in Generative AI Systems
Tomomi Tanaka - Founder, Safety by Design Lab

In an era where generative AI is becoming deeply integrated into our daily lives, the question of safety is critical. This workshop explores “Safety by Design,” a proactive approach to building safeguards throughout the development lifecycle.

Attend this workshop to take a deep-dive into into:

1. Safety by Design Principles: We’ll begin by defining Safety by Design, a philosophy that prioritizes minimizing harm during the design, development, and deployment of generative AI systems.

2. Safety Risk Concerns: We’ll delve into safety risks, including bias, misinformation, and malicious content generation. We’ll explore how these risks can emerge from data selection, model training, and user interaction.

3. Mitigating Safety Risks: We’ll discuss mitigation strategies, covering practices like responsible data sourcing, building fairness checks into models, and implementing safeguards against misuse.

By attending this workshop and adopting a Safety by Design approach, we can ensure generative AI flourishes while minimizing potential harm.


Tomomi Tanaka

Safety by Design Lab


12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch


1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Workshop F: AI Team Operations: Streamlining Sales & Marketing Workflows for Exponential Impact
Sarah Woodward - Founder, AI Growth Ops

Unlocking the potential of Generative AI within marketing and sales teams is crucial for driving innovation and achieving competitive advantage. Sarah has been leading organisations through their Generative AI transformation. This deep-dive workshop explores strategies to build systems where teams can truly thrive in the era of AI through workforce productivity, innovation and transformation.

Attend this deep-dive collaborative workshop to delve into:

• Establishing and scaling innovation practices aligned with company goals and values.

• Reimagining workflows and automate processes to enhance team efficiency and impact.

• Fostering a culture of experimentation and collaboration to drive continuous improvement.

By the conclusion of this workshop, participants will have gained actionable insights and practical strategies to effectively integrate generative AI into their sales and marketing operations, paving the way for sustainable growth and competitive advantage in their respective industries. They will leave equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to lead their teams through successful AI transformations, driving innovation, efficiency, and ultimately, exponential impact.


Sarah Woodward

AI Growth Ops