Sander Schulhoff

CEO Learn Prompting

Sander Schulhoff is the CEO of Learn Prompting, a leading Generative AI e-learning platform, and an artificial intelligence researcher from the University of Maryland. Learn Prompting was the first guide on prompt engineering that came out--before ChatGPT, and today has grown to over 2 millions users. Users include personnel from Google, Microsoft, Wikipedia, O'REILLY, Salesforce, most Fortune 500 and major consulting companies. Learn Prompting publishes academic research, including the first global prompt hacking competition (HackAPrompt), which was sponsored by OpenAI and 12 other AI companies and awarded as Best Theme Paper by EMNLP, a top NLP conference. It is now cited by OpenAI the US Government (NIST). Sander recently lead a 30 person research team to publish the largest ever survey of prompting, The Prompt Report, which has gone viral with millions of views on social media.

Generative AI Week 2024 Day One: Workshop Morning: Monday, 7 October 2024

9:00 AM Workshop A: Deep Dive into Prompt Engineering

Join us for an engaging workshop where we delve into state-of-the-art (SOTA) prompt engineering techniques as featured in "The Prompt Report," a comprehensive 76-page survey paper Sander has done in collaboration with OpenAI and Microsoft.

Additionally, we will explore the security implications of prompt injection discovered during our groundbreaking global competition, HackAPrompt.

Attend this workshop to:

  • Gain insights into cutting-edge prompt engineering techniques and their practical applications.
  • Understand how these techniques can be tailored to enhance AI model performance across various domains.
  • Discuss real-world implications and applications of prompt engineering in different industries.
  • Learn best practices for integrating prompt engineering into your AI development workflow.

By participating in this workshop, you will gain a deep understanding of the latest advancements in prompt engineering and how to effectively apply them to drive innovation and performance in AI applications.

Generative AI Week 2024 Day Three: Wednesday, 9 October

2:45 PM The State of Prompt Engineering

In this talk, Sander will discuss the current state of Prompt Engineering drawing from his recent survey paper, The Prompt Report, done in collaboration with OpenAI and Microsoft. The 76 page paper is the largest ever study of prompting, and has gone viral on social media, obtaining millions of views. He will discuss the prompt classification system he developed for prompting techniques, including Zero-Shot, Few-Shot, Decomposition, Thought Generation, Ensembling, and Self-Criticism. Attend this talk to delve into the technical and business implications of prompting and how to get the best results for your teams.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Sander.

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