Tomomi Tanaka

Founder Safety by Design Lab

Generative AI Week 2024 Day One: Workshop Morning: Monday, 7 October 2024

11:00 AM Workshop E: Ensuring Responsible AI: Embedding Safety by Design in Generative AI Systems

In an era where generative AI is becoming deeply integrated into our daily lives, the question of safety is critical. This workshop explores “Safety by Design,” a proactive approach to building safeguards throughout the development lifecycle.

Attend this workshop to take a deep-dive into into:

1. Safety by Design Principles: We’ll begin by defining Safety by Design, a philosophy that prioritizes minimizing harm during the design, development, and deployment of generative AI systems.

2. Safety Risk Concerns: We’ll delve into safety risks, including bias, misinformation, and malicious content generation. We’ll explore how these risks can emerge from data selection, model training, and user interaction.

3. Mitigating Safety Risks: We’ll discuss mitigation strategies, covering practices like responsible data sourcing, building fairness checks into models, and implementing safeguards against misuse.

By attending this workshop and adopting a Safety by Design approach, we can ensure generative AI flourishes while minimizing potential harm.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Tomomi.

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