Giovanni Leoni

Head of AI Governance Advisory Credo AI

Giovanni Leoni is the Head of AI Governance Advisory at Credo AI, one of the global leaders in operationalizing Responsible AI across all industries. He guides organizations in building their AI Governance capability through industry best practice of AI Governance in practice. Prior to joining Credo AI, he was Global Head of Algorithm and AI Ethics at Inter IKEA Group, responsible for developing, implementing, and leading the operationalization of AI Governance across the Inter IKEA Group. He is an active contributor to the global AI ethics community, engaging in legislative industry consultations and various forums and bodies, among them being on the Board of Advisors for Ethical Artificial Intelligence Governance Group, Board Member for Transparency International Sweden, Nordic Ethical AI Expert Group member for Nordic Innovation and also a member of several working groups within the AI Governance Alliance at the World Economic Forum. For more than 20 years he has been active across multiple sectors, private and public, driving development of user experience, sustainable change management, and clarity in impacting factors for better business and wrapping everything in numbers and decision-models. He has worked in diverse areas, including public sector processes, sales, procurement of services, digital platforms and physical products, supply chain, automatization and business analytics.

Responsible AI Summit Conference Day 1 - Tuesday 17 September

3:30 PM Presentation: The AI Governance Blueprint: Unlocking Innovation Through Scalable AI Governance

This session provides a comprehensive blueprint for Enterprise AI governance, illustrating how it serves as a key enabler of AI innovation rather than a hindrance. Based on our years of experience, we’ll highlight the journey organizations take from recognizing the need for responsible AI to establishing accountability structures, adopting tools, and ultimately standardizing governance practices. You’ll gain insights into where your organization stands on the AI governance maturity curve and how to efficiently scale these efforts. By implementing enterprise-wide governance powered by robust policies and tools, you can create a trusted AI infrastructure that maximizes ROI. Learn how to transform AI governance into a competitive advantage for your business.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Giovanni.

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