Pascal Hetzscholdt

Senior Director Content Protection Wiley

Pascal Hetzscholdt is the Senior Director, Content Protection at Wiley, a global publisher of trade books, textbooks and scientific research. He is overseeing Wiley's global Anti-Piracy and Brand Protection programs and shares his knowledge with the publishing industry about topics such as: Tech Strategy & Policy, Web3 and Artificial Intelligence, while making a plea for Responsible AI and the need for ethics, transparency, explainability and legal compliance relevant to AI training, deployment and model output. Prior to joining Wiley, Pascal worked for various Hollywood movie studios, their industry associations, and their technology vendors while dealing with topics such as copyright and intellectual property enforcement, cyber security, digital distribution, data privacy compliance and the pros and cons of digital innovations & new business models online. Pascal started his career working for the Dutch National Police as a Cybercrime Policy Adviser to their National High-Tech Crime Center.

Responsible AI Summit Conference Day 2 - Wednesday 18 September

3:30 PM Panel Discussion: Building Trust: Ensuring Trustworthy AI in the Modern Landscape

Delve into critical aspects of ensuring trustworthy AI, vital for fostering user trust and safety.

• Fostering a culture of transparency: Prioritizing clear communication and openness about AI systems and their capabilities.

• Implementing robust risk mitigation strategies: Integrating human oversight and thorough testing protocols to mitigate potential risks.

• Prioritizing user experience: Designing AI systems with a user-centric approach to enhance trust and usability.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Pascal.

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